European historical floods catalogue
HANZE includes three connected flood catalogues covering 42 European countries:
- HANZE-events list A: 2521 historical floods with locations, dates, impact data and other information since 1870.
- HANZE-Events list B: 237 historical floods with locations, dates, and other information since 1950, but without associated impact data.
- HANZE modelled events catalogue: 14,732 modelled potential floods with locations, dates, and potential impacts, classified according to their connection to documentary sources and observational data.
Each catalogue can be viewed, filtered and sorted in the respective subpages, in tabular and map formats. Each event has a dedicated subpage with all associated data and a map with the location. Events from the modelled catalogue are linked with the historical flood catalogues, if there is a correspondence between the modelled and historical (reported) flood event. Not all historical events are featured in the modelled catalogue due to limitations of the models used, particularly the spatial and temporal resolution. For information on the methodology, limitations and uncertainties of the data, see the associated publications cited in each catalogue.
Summary of selected information from the HANZE-Events (list A) impact database.
Summary of the modelled flood catalogue by classification based on documentary sources and gauge data.