HANZE-Exposure is a model and dataset that aims at quantifying the evolution of key socioeconomic drivers in Europe since 1870, namely land use, population, economic activity and assets. It consists of algorithms to reallocate baseline (2011) land use and population for any given year based on a large collection of historical subnational- and national-level statistics, and then disaggregate data on production and tangible assets by economic sector into a high-resolution grid. Maps generated by the model enable reconstructing exposure within the footprint of any extreme event both at the time of the event and in any other moment in the past 150 years. The full algorithm and input data are publicly available. The input data include a dataset of primary socioeconomic data for 1870-2020 at NUTS3 or national level for 42 countries derived from almost 400 sources.
Exposure change around Munich, Germany, 1870-2020, from HANZE-Exposure.
Detailed description of the methodology and data can be found in an open-access publication:
Paprotny D., Mengel M. (2023) Population, land use and economic exposure estimates for Europe at 100 m resolution from 1870 to 2020. Scientific Data 10:372 (https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02282-0)
HANZE-Exposure model and data can be accessed on Zenodo:
HANZE v2.0 exposure model (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7556953)
HANZE v2.0 exposure model input data (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6783023)
Pan-European exposure maps and uncertainty estimates from HANZE v2.0 model, 1870-2020 (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7885990)