Coastal flood in United Kingdom, 1953
Event details
ID | 1503 |
Country | United Kingdom |
Year | 1953 |
Start date | 1953-01-31 |
End date | 1953-02-01 |
Flood source | North Sea |
Event Type | Coastal |
Area Flooded (km^2) | 647 |
Fatalities | 307 |
Persons affected | 96000 |
Regions affected (v2010) | UKE12, UKE13, UKF30, UKH13, UKH14, UKH31, UKH32, UKH33, UKJ41, UKJ42 |
Regions affected (v2010) [Regions names] | East Riding of Yorkshire, North and North East Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Southend-on-Sea, Thurrock, Essex CC, Medway, Kent CC |
Losses (nominal value) | 45000000 |
Losses (original currency) | Pound Ster |
Losses (mln EUR, 2020) | 1463 |
Cause | Storm surge up to 2.5 m |
Notes | 32,000 evactuated, 1200 dike breaches |
References: | Barredo (2007) RMS (2003) Lumbroso and Vinet (2011) Baxter (2005) |