Coastal flood in Netherlands, 1953
Event details
ID | 1017 |
Country | Netherlands |
Year | 1953 |
Start date | 1953-01-31 |
End date | 1953-02-01 |
Flood source | North Sea |
Event Type | Coastal |
Area Flooded (km^2) | 2000 |
Fatalities | 1835 |
Persons affected | 188000 |
Regions affected (v2010) | NL339, NL33A, NL341, NL342, NL411 |
Regions affected (v2010) [Regions names] | Groot-Rijnmond, Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland, Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen, Overig Zeeland, West-Noord-Brabant |
Losses (nominal value) | 1300000000 |
Losses (original currency) | Netherland |
Losses (mln EUR, 2020) | 5436 |
Cause | Storm surge up to 3 m |
Notes | |
References: | CRED (2023) Barredo (2007) Jak and Kok (2000) RMS (2003) Jonkman (2007) |
Regions affected